Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Characterization facility for the MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR FM and SM detectors 

      Bolsée, D.; Van Laeken, L.; Cisneros-González, M.E. et al.
    • Design of the calibration bench for the characterization of MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR detectors 

      Cisneros-González, M.E.; Bolsée, D.; Pereira, N. et al.
    • Eyes in the Sky with the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter Mars Atmospheric Global Imaging Experiment (TGO-MAGIE) 

      Cantor, B.A.; Wolff, M.J.; Ravine, M.A. et al.
    • MAJIS VIS-NIR channel: performances of the focal plane unit - flight model 

      Haffoud, P.; Arondel, A.; Bolsée, D. et al.
    • MAJIS VIS-NIR channel: performances of the spare model focal plane unit 

      Pereira, N.; Cisneros-González, M.E.; Bolsée, D. et al.
    • MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR FM and SM detectors characterization 

      Cisneros-González, M.; Bolsée, D.; Pereira, N. et al.
    • Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) on Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) 

      Poulet, F.; Piccioni, G.; Langevin, Y. et al.
    • The Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer MAJIS on ESA JUICE Mission 

      Poulet, F.; Piccioni, G.; Langevin, Y. et al.
    • Validation tests of the calibration bench for the characterization of MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR detectors 

      Cisneros-González, M.E.; Bolsée, D.; Pereira, N. et al.