Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • MIRS: an imaging spectrometer for the MMX mission 

      Barucci, M.A.; Reess, J.-M.; Bernardi, P. et al.
    • Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) on Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) 

      Poulet, F.; Piccioni, G.; Langevin, Y. et al.
    • Observation opportunities for Mars atmosphere with the MIRS instrument aboard the Martian Moon eXploration mission 

      Doressoundiram, A.; Gautier, T.; Barucci, M.A. et al.
    • The thermal-vacuum and security system of the characterization facility for MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR FM and SM detectors 

      Cisneros-González, M.E.; Bolsée, D.; Van Laeken, L. et al.