Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Intensity, determinants and impacts of liana load on tropical trees in Central Africa 

      Loubota Panzou, G.J.; Loumeto, J.-J.; Chantrain, A. et al.
    • Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry 

      Panzou, G.J.L; Fayolle, A.; Jucker, T. et al.
    • Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database 

      Jucker, T.; Fischer, F.J.; Chave, J. et al.
    • Towards improving the assessment of rainforest carbon: complementary evidence from repeated diameter measurements and dated wood 

      Angoboy Ilondea, B.; De Mil, T.; Hubau, W. et al.