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dc.contributor.authorVandenspiegel, D.
dc.contributor.authorGolovatch, S.I.
dc.contributor.authorMauriès, J.P.
dc.descriptionThe genus Diaphorodesmus is revised and shown to comprise only a single species, D. dorsicornis (Porat, 1894) by priority, with the only other formal congener, D. attemsii Verhoeff, 1938, considered as its junior subjective synonym, syn. n. A new monotypic genus, Diaphorodesmoides gen. n., is created to include D. lamottei sp. n., from southwestern Cameroon. Both these genera seem to be especially similar in sharing remarkable dorsal horns on metaterga 2 4, a unique synapomorphy in the basically Afrotropical subfamily Prepodesminae, family Chelodesmidae, to which they belong. In contrast to Diaphorodesmus which shows two, increasingly short, paramedian horns on each of metaterga 2 4, the ozopores borne on distinct porosteles, and the gonopod prefemoral process and solenophore less strongly elaborate, Diaphorodesmoides gen. n. has a single, increasingly large, central horn on each of metaterga 2 4, the ozopores opening flush dorsolaterally on the surface of poriferous paraterga, and both the gonopod prefemoral process and solenophore especially complex. The genus Campodesmoides VandenSpiegel, Golovatch & Nzoko Fiemapong, 2015, and its sole, and type, species C. corniger VandenSpiegel, Golovatch & Nzoko Fiemapong, 2015, are transferred from Campodesmidae to Chelodesmidae and formally synonymized with Diaphorodesmus and D. dorsicornis, both syn. n.
dc.titleReview of the western African millipede genus <i>Diaphorodesmus</i> Silvestri, 1896 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Chelodesmidae), with the description of a similar, but new monotypic genus from Cameroon
dc.subject.frascatiBiological sciences
dc.subject.freeBiological collection and data management
dc.source.page7 24
dc.identifier.doidoi: 10.3897/zookeys.600.9345

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