Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Accretion of Saturn’s mid-sized moons during the viscous spreading of young massive rings: Solving the paradox of silicate-poor rings versus silicate-rich moons 

      Charnoz S.; Crida A.; Castillo-Rogez J. C. et al.
    • Multisite spectroscopic seismic study of the β Cep star V2052 Ophiuchi: inhibition of mixing by its magnetic field 

      Briquet M.; Neiner C.; Aerts C. et al.
    • Seismic constraints on the radial dependence of the internal rotation profiles of six Kepler subgiants and young red giants 

      Deheuvels S.; Doğan G.; Goupil M. J. et al.
    • Stochastic gravito-inertial modes discovered by CoRoT in the hot Be star HD 51452 

      Neiner C.; Floquet M.; Samadi R. et al.
    • Strong Tidal Dissipation in Saturn and Constraints on Enceladus' Thermal State from Astrometry 

      Lainey V.; Karatekin Ö.; Desmars J. et al.
    • The PLATO 2.0 mission 

      Rauer H.; Catala C.; Aerts C. et al.