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dc.contributor.authorLecocq, Isabelle
dc.contributor.editorCañellas, Sílvia
dc.identifier.citationIsabelle Lecocq, Les artistes polyvalents et le vitrail monumental dans les anciens Pays-Bas pendant la première moitié du XVIe siècle : l’exemple de Bernard van Orley et de Pieter Coecke", in: 30th International Colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum. The concept and fabrication of stained glass from the middle ages to the Art Nouveau : 4th - 7th july 2022, Barcelona, Cerdanyolà del Vallès, Girona (Barcelona: Corpus Vitrearum Catalunya, 2022), p.  47-51 (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi. Espanya).en_US
dc.identifier.isbnISBN: 978-84-09-39806-5
dc.description30th International Colloquium Corpus Vitrearum. Barcelona – Cerdanyola – Girona 4–7 July 2022, Organized by the Catalan Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum, Barcelone, Corpus Vitrearum Catalunya.en_US
dc.descriptionTwo major artists from the southern Netherlands, Pieter Coecke (1502–1550) and Bernard Van Orley (1487–1541) distinguished themselves by their versa- tility and their skills as “entrepreneurs”. Both were personally involved in the creation of works in various techniques including panel painting, tapestry and stained glass. Archives and preserved works document or attest to the activity of these artists in these different fields but, beyond the certified or supposed supply of a scale model ("vidimus") or full-scale drawing ("cartoon"), the exact degree of involvement remains difficult to establish. From selected examples, this paper will show the importance and the limits of a connoisseurship approach in surveying the compartmentalization of artistic techniques and in understanding the complex dynamic of artistic creation in the southern Netherlands during the first half of the 16th century.en_US
dc.publisherCorpus Vitrearum Internationalen_US
dc.publisherCorpus Vitrearum Catalunyaen_US
dc.titleLes artistes polyvalents et le vitrail monumental dans les anciens Pays-Bas pendant la première moitié du XVIe siècle : l’exemple de Bernard van Orley et de Pieter Coeckeen_US
dc.typebook chapter
dc.subject.frascatiHistory and Archaeologyen_US
dc.source.titleThe Concept and Fabrication of Stained Glass from the Middle Ages to Art Nouveau. 30th International Colloquium Corpus Vitrearum. Barcelona – Cerdanyola – Girona 4–7 July 2022, Organized by the Catalan Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum, Barcelone, Corpus Vitrearum Catalunyaen_US
Orfeo.peerreviewedNot pertinenten_US

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