Spacecraft charging models in ESA's SPace ENVironment Information System (SPENVIS)
The ESA SPace ENVironment Information System (SPENVIS) provides standardized access to models of the hazardous space environment through a user-friendly WWW interface. The interface includes parameter input with extensive defaulting, definition of user environments, streamlined production of results (both in graphical and textual form), background information, and on-line help. The system can be accessed at the WWW site Intranet versions are also available. The results of a SPENVIS model run are presented in the form of reports and data files that can be downloaded by the user, and as a variety of plot types (line plots, maps and 3-D plots) in different graphics formats (GIF, PS, JPG, VRML, ...). Extensive help facilities are provided in SPENVIS: context-sensitive help pages provide information on the model parameters and usage, background pages contain in-depth material on the space environment and models, and a user guide and links to other sites are available as well. SPENVIS features a number of models and tools for evaluating spacecraft charging. The DERA DICTAT tool for evaluation of internal charging calculates the electron current that passes through a conductive shield and becomes deposited inside a dielectric, and predicts whether an electrostatic discharge will occur. SPENVIS has implemented the DERA EQUIPOT non-geometrical tool for assessing material susceptibility to charging in typical orbital environments, including polar and GEO environments. SPENVIS Also includes SOLARC, for assessment of the current collection and the floating potential of solar arrays in LEO. Finally, the system features access to data from surface charging events on CRRES and the Russian Gorizont spacecraft, in the form of spectrograms and double Maxwellian fit parameters.
Heynderickx, D.; Quaghebeur, B.; Speelman, E.; Evans, H.D.R.; Daly, E.J. (2001). Spacecraft charging models in ESA's SPace ENVironment Information System (SPENVIS). , ESA-SP 476: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Spacecraft Charging Technology, Issue 476, 163-168,Type