Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance, 120 to 300 nm: Report of Working Groups 2 and 3 of SOLERS22
This report summarizes the activities of Working Group 2 and Working Group 3 of the SOLERS22 Program. The international SOLar Electromagnetic Radiation Study for Solar Cycle 22 (SOLERS22) is Project 1.2 of the Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP sponsored by SCOSTEP, a committee of the International Council of Scientific Unions). SOLERS22 is comprised of five Working Groups, each concentrating on a specific wavelength range: WG-l - visible and infrared, WG-2 - mid-ultraviolet (200 < A < 300 nm), WG-3 - Far-ultraviolet (100 < A < 200 nm), WG-4 -extreme-ultraviolet (10 < A < 100 nm), and WG-5 - X-ray (1 < A < 10 nm). The overarching goals of SOLERS22 are to: 1) establish daily solar irradiance values in the specified wavelength ranges, 2) consider the evolving solar structures as the cause the temporal variations, and 3) understand the underlying physical processes driving these changes. The four authors of this review are the Co-chairmen of the two working group (WG-2: RPC and DG and WG-3: GJR and PAS), although the work and efforts of many individuals have contributed to the advances that have been achieved and to the progress reported here.
Rottman, G.J.; Cebula, R.P.; Gillotay, D.; Simon, P.C. (1998). Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance, 120 to 300 nm: Report of Working Groups 2 and 3 of SOLERS22. (Pap, J.M., Ed.), Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Study for Solar Cycle 22: Proceedings of the SOLERS22 Workshop, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, June 17-21, 1996, 491-509,Identifiers