BRAMS: a Belgian Am-Pro collaboration to detect and characterize meteors with radio techniques
BRAMS (Belgian RAdio Meteor Stations) is a network of radio receiving stations located in Belgium dedicated to the detection and study of meteors. The project is led by the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BISA) but most of the receiving stations are hosted and managed by radioamateurs. We present the status and goals of BRAMS and emphasize on the importance of the collaboration between amateurs and professionals.BRAMS (Belgian RAdio Meteor Stations) is a network of radio receiving stations located in Belgium dedicated to the detection and study of meteors. The project is led by the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BISA) but most of the receiving stations are hosted and managed by radioamateurs. We present the status and goals of BRAMS and emphasize on the importance of the collaboration between amateurs and professionals.
Lamy, H.; Ranvier, S.; Gamby, E.; De Keyser, J.; Calders, S.; Anciaux, M. (2012). BRAMS: a Belgian Am-Pro collaboration to detect and characterize meteors with radio techniques. , EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 7, EPSC2012-336,Identifiers